The consolidated index for LANCEL is 91 (for the year 2024).

  • On indicator 1: salary gap: The company obtains 36 points out of 40
  • On indicator 2: individual growth differences: The company obtains 35 points out of 35
  • On indicator 3: promotion gap: Please ref to indicator 2
  • On indicator 4: % of employees increased on return from maternity leave: The company obtains 15 points out of 15
  • On indicator 5: Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the top 10+: The company obtains 5 points out of 10

Lancel attaches particular importance to the principle of professional equality between men and women, and to the fight against all forms of discrimination.

Diversity and professional equality between men and women are strengths for the company, its growth and its social dynamism.

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